
August 1, 2012

For the second day in a row, I was fortunate enough to encounter a trio of baby racoons today!

I saw the first set with their Mama last night at Stanley Park while looking for parking because I was going to go watch the Fresh Air Cinema showing of Grease at 2nd Beach (which I ended up deciding against since I didn’t think I’d be able to find a place to sit once I got there because I was so late). I just drove by these adorable little guys in a grassy area near Lost Lagoon.

Today, however, there were three little babies scurrying up and down a tree right in front of my car when my friends and I came out of the Squamish Public Library (yet another great reason why you should use the library – you never know who you might meet!).

I was also lucky enough to have a camera with me to capture the moment in all of its adorable glory. I wonder what they told their Mom when she got back from wherever she was…