Liberation BC has announced that Lesley Fox of Fur-Bearer Defenders and self-proclaimed Vegan Superstar Sarah Kramer will both speak at the group’s upcoming Animal Advocacy Camp.

Vancouver animal rights activists from all walks of life and theories of activism are set to converge at the camp February 25 and 26, following the model of an ‘unconference’ wherein participants determine and lead the agenda and discussions.

The unconference model is a great way for participants to get the most out of a conference or series of workshops, as attendees themselves tailor the event in the direction best suited for everyone’s needs or ideal purposes.

First held in 2010, this year’s event marks the second camp produced by the animal rights group (though Liberation BC previously held a series of dialogue events along the same vein), and will be held at The Hive located at 128 W Hastings Street.

Lesley Fox is the Executive Director of the Vancouver-based Fur-Bearer Defenders, and will open the conference on Saturday, with Sarah Kramer closing on Sunday afternoon.

Sarah Kramer is best known for her ground-breaking vegan cookbooks, including “How It All Vegan” and “The Garden of Vegan” which were co-authored with Tanya Barnard, and her solo efforts “La Dolce Vegan” and “Vegan-A-Go-Go.”

Kramer opened a storefront vegan curio shop in Victoria called Sarah’s Place last July, where she and her ever-present furry sidekick Fergus can be found Tuesday through Sunday at 533 Pandora Avenue.

Sarah also recently released the Go Vegan! App for the iPhone and iPad loaded with recipes, videos, a shopping list and more, just in time for New Year’s Resolutions – so be sure to let your veg-curious or health-conscious friends, family, coworkers and acquaintances know.

Anyone interested in learning more about animal rights and issues and how best to affect change in favour of animals’ rights as sentient beings is encouraged to attend Liberation BC’s Animal Advocacy Camp.

for the event is required in advance for just $15 for access both days, and is payable via PayPal.

For more information, visit